One of the most famous coffee brands in the world in of the most famous tourist hotspots in Japan. Welcome to '% Arabica Arashiyama'!
This café doesn't really need an introduction but we'll give one anyway.
% Arabica Arashiyama is Arabica's second coffeeshop in Kyoto (
the main store is in Higashiyama) that is located along the Katsura river after crossing the famous Togetsu-Kyo bridge coming from Hankyu Arashiyama station on the left and stands out with its chalk white contemporary exterior against a historic Arashiyama backdrop. That or the long lines of customers in the high-seasons.
The store is roughly 30 square meters with a beautiful slick terrazzo counter, a small private seating space that can be rented and a glass display case that could be used as a table. Inside are no seats but why would you enjoy your coffee inside when you can sit on the concrete bench attached to the exterior that provides seating for a beautiful view over the Katsura river. The interior has a beautiful hinoki (Japanese cypress wood) finish with the signature built-in tube amplifier and floor to ceiling glass display case with coffee bags & arabica goods displayed inside.
% Arabica offers espresso based coffee (cafe latte, espresso macchiato, americano, etc) in single origin or blends. Besides coffee they also have Matcha Latte, lemonade or water, but if you are visiting Arabica, you should definitely come for the coffee! OR the interior design.
Arashiyama's Arabica also features a private covered semi-outdoor seating space with table that can be rented for 1000 yen for 30 minutes if you prefer a little more privacy.
When in Arashiyama, and if you are looking for a coffee break, Puddle designed % Arabica Arashiyama is definitely a must visit.
世界中で最も有名なコーヒーブランドの一つは日本の最も人気な観光スポットの一つにある。「% Arabica Arashiyama」『アラビカ 嵐山』へようこそ。