Located in North Kyoto and opened its doors in April of 2022 is the stylish ‘cafe &bar Chill’s Kyoto’. Chill’s is a casual café located on a 2 minute walk from either Kamigamo Jinja-mae bus stop (bus 46 or 67) or Misonoguchi-cho bus stop (bus 3). The café sits along the Northern section of the Kamo river on a walking distance from Kamigamo shrine.
Chill’s is not new in the area, it used to be a much smaller café but was completely renovated from the ground up. From the outside the new Chill’s looks like a stand alone house with an open gable roof and a grunge clapboard paneled exterior. It has large windows and a large sliding entrance door.
Chill's also introduced a new logo which consists of 3 parts. The C which stands for the sun, The L which stands for a window and the S which stands for the Kamo river. Together it means that you are able to see the Kamo river from Chill's window.
Inside you will find a spacious two-floor cafe interior with plenty of seats. Customers can choose from the main area near the entrance that consists of small tables and a private booth in the back, window seats on the second floor or the covered outdoor ‘terrace seats’ with a barbeque. There are also terrace seats in the front of the café. The walls have a beige stucco finish and the floors are covered with
beautiful tiles.
The café is pet friendly and has dog hooks outside as well as dog treats for sale inside.
The entire interior is well lit thanks to the big windows and the large atrium in the middle of the café which gives the café a real comfortable atmosphere.
Chill’s has a varied menu with pizza, sandwiches and even ice cream but their main item is their hotdog plate which comes with a side of salad and fries. The hot dog can also be ordered alone.
cafe &bar Chill’s Kyoto is a spacious and stylish hotdog café with a lovely view over the Kamo river. It's a good choice for having lunch while visiting Kamigamo shrine.
京都北部の上賀茂神社の近くにスタイリッシュな「cafe &bar Chill’s Kyoto」『カフェアンドバー チルズ キョート』が2022年の4月にオープンしました。チルズは上賀茂神社前のバス停「46番・67番」や御薗口町バス停「3番」から徒歩で2分ぐらいに、鴨川沿いの位置しています。
店内は広くて、多様のお客席があります。1階のカフェエリアにテーブル席と一つのブースがあり、2階に店内の窓側のカウンター席と扉を出て、庇があるバルコニーみたいなBBQ付きのテラス席もあります。さらにお店の前にもいつくかのテラス席があります。カフェはPET OKなので、1階のテラス席に犬のフックと犬のお菓子も販売されています。
cafe &bar Chill’s Kyotoは広くて、スタイリッシュなホットドッグカフェですが鴨川の景色を見ながら、美味しいランチを楽しめることが出来ます。