Cafe Ladle
- 072-631-8787
- 大阪府茨木市春日1-1-24
- 10:00 - 20:00, SAT&SUN 10:00 - 18:00
- Closed: Wednesday
Along the popular tourist attraction philosophers path in Kyoto is a new cheese steak specialty café called 'The Diner' that opened it's doors in September 2022. It sits across the narrow canal of the philosophers path in a large building that used to house a sweets shop. Walking along the philosophers path, the building is slightly covered behind some bushes so it might be a little difficult to see but just cross the concrete bridge to see the entire building.
The interior is extremely spacious with the kitchen and order counter on the left and seating area on the right. The seating area has a modern interior with mortar and red brick walls. There is a sofa corner, a small table for two, a large table that can seat up to eight people and two pairs of garden chairs with wooden tables for outdoor seating. When the weather is good the entire entrance is wide open and will give a panoramic view inside.
The Diner is a cheese steak specialty store. Cheese steaks are originally from Philadelphia so we can't judge if they are legit cheese steaks but they are pretty damn delicious. The menu offers two types of cheese steak plates: "cheese steak sandwich" and "pulled pork sandwich" both 1320 yen that come with a side of French fries and tuna/macaroni salad. The cheesesteak also offers extra Jalapeno topping for an extra 100 yen. Besides the sandwich plates they offer a large variety of drinks including coffee, softdrinks (cola, rootbeer, ginger ale, oolong, orange juice etc) and alcohol (asahi, heineken, chu-hi, sake, wine and whisky).
The diner is a great place to have a delicious cheesesteak sandwich lunch while exploring the surrounding area: Ginkakuji (silver pavilion), Philosophers path, Anraku-ji.
大人気の哲学の道沿いに新しいチーズステーキ専門店「The diner」『ザ・ダイナー』が2022年9月にオープンしました。お店は哲学の道川の向こう側にある大きな建物に位置しています。樹木の後ろに少し隠しているからすぐわからないかもしれないけど、コンクリートの橋を渡ったらはっきり見えます。
The dinerはチーズステーキの専門店ですがチーズステーキの由来はアメリカのフィラデルフィアです。メニューにはチーズステーキプレート「チーズステーキサンドイッチ 1320円」と「プルドポークサンドイッチ 1320円」2種類があり、フレンチフライとマカロニサラダがついてきます。チーズステーキサンドイッチにハラペーニョトッピング(+100円)もあります。サンドイッチプレート以外に、コーヒー、ソフトドリンク(コーラ、ルートビア、ジンジャーエール、ウーロン、オレンジジュースなど)、アルコール(アサヒ、ハイネケン、チューハイ、日本酒、ワイン、ウィスキー)など、豊富な飲み物メニューもあります。
哲学の道や銀閣寺のお出かけについでにThe Dinerでチーズステーキランチを食べてとてもおすすめです。