Tea Olive

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Tea Olive



"Tea Olive" is a lovely little cafe located in a quiet neighborhood, deep in Fushimi Nari area on a 10 minute walk from Keihan Line - Fushimi Inari station. It sits in a renovated stand alone house and opened its doors in November 2022 and is run by a friendly mom and daughter.

The cafe sits on the corner in a residential area and stands out with its chalk white exterior and wood paneled enclosure. The entrance sits around the corner and immediately shows a lovely garden with of course an olive plant right at the entrance. Walking around the corner you will have to go up two steps where you will find the entrance consisting of a large glass sliding door. Opening the door you will be welcomed by two friendly ladies who will first let you choose your seat. The interior consists of the main room with one large table for four in front of the kitchen. The second cafe room is connected by an archway and consists of two tables for two and two window counter seats.

Tea Olive boasts a charming rustic interior that exudes a cozy ambiance. Its white stucco finish, complemented by a wooden floor, ceiling, and delightful wood furniture, creates an inviting atmosphere. Sunlight filters through the windows, decorated with lovely white curtains, while carefully arranged dry flower decorations accentuate the warm and rustic vibe.

The menu primarily features an extensive selection of teas, offering a diverse array of blends. In addition to tea, the menu also includes coffee and even homemade ginger ale for those seeking alternative beverages. The delicious sweets assortment comprises an array of cakes, including lemon cake, rum raisin or white chocolate cake. There are also brownies, various muffins, and even cheesecake. Indulging in the harmonious pairing of tea or coffee with these delightful confections is an absolute delight.

Tea Olive is a must visit if you are in Fushimi Inari area. Run by two very friendly ladies, a lovely cozy and rustic interior and delicious sweets this cafe comes highly recommended.

京阪線、伏見稲荷駅から徒歩で10分ぐらいの閑静な住宅街に「Tea Olive - ティーオリーブ」というとても素敵なカフェがあります。2022年11月にオープンして、とても親切な親子に営まれて、リノベーションされたの一戸建てに位置してます。



メニューはお茶とスイーツがメインで、お茶は様々なブレンドから選ばれます。お茶以外にも、コーヒーや自家製ジンジャーエールもあります。 スイーツはケーキはレモンケーキ、ラムレーズンやホワイトチョコレートケーキがあり、さらにブラウニーや各種マフィン、チーズケーキもあります。

Tea Oliveはとても優しいオーナー達に営まれている、美味しいお茶とスイーツがエンジョイ出来る素敵なほんわかなカフェですが、とてもおすすめなカフェです。


Contact Information

61-8 Fukakusa Kaidocho, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-0806
Social Information
Business Hours
11:00 - 17:00
Closed on
Closed: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


61-8 Fukakusa Kaidocho, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-0806
Nearest Station
Keihan Line - Fushimi Inari Station
