SÖT Coffee Roaster Nigawa

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SÖT Coffee Roaster Nigawa



Nigawa, Hyogo. Famous for the Hanshin horse racing course and Kabuto Mountain, Nigawa is a small town in the outskirts of Takarazuka. Right next to Hankyu Imazu Line's Nigawa station and near the Ni river is SÖT Coffee Roaster’s second and newly opened branch called 'SÖT Coffee Roaster NIGAWA'.

Exiting Nigawa station taking the West Exit, walk straight for about 40 meters and on your right you will find the café. The café sits on the second floor above bakery/patisserie in a lovey standalone building with a white and dark blue façade and red/orange roof tiles, so you can’t miss it. The entrance is on the right of the bakery with a stylish entrance corridor.

Going up the lovely wooden L shaped stairs you will enter the spacious café and roaster area. The interior of the Nigawa branch is Scandinavian style but completely different from it’s Tenmabashi branch with a bright interior with light colored materials. The interior design was done by Kyoto based everedge with construction done by KOUEI and they did a great job.

The kitchen and order counter is in the middle of the café with the seating area in the front near the windows.  There are seven 2-person tables that have a long connected sofa seat, there is a larger table for  up to six persons as well as four counter seats. The kitchen counter is a stylish brass counter with its wall consisting of vertical slats all around the kitchen. The interior comes together with the edges of the tables, the ceiling of the kitchen and the window sills all with a light blue element finish.  All the table's corners and kitchen ceiling have curved edges adding softness to the space and creating an easier flow.

The ordering is also different from the Tenmabashi branch where you will first take a seat and the menu is brought to you. The menu consists of a set menu and drink menu with a set menu you can choose from a Basque cheesecake, bikini sandwich (a Barcelona style hot sandwich) or canele. For drinks SOT offers handdrip (various blends) and espresso based coffee

Hot/Ice latte: 750 yen
Dessert latte: 800 yen
Affogato: 750 yen
There is also a non-coffee drink called Kaskara tea which is a type of cherry tea. Finally the café also sells beans, drip packs, original sot goods and giftpacks.
SÖT Coffee Roaster NIGAWA is an lovely café with super friendly staff conveniently located right next to Nigawa station that has a lovely interior and is definitely worth a visit.
Open on Wed ~ Sun 08:00 - 19:00 (last order 18:00)
Closed on Monday & Tuesday
Open on National Holiday

兵庫県、仁川。仁川は阪神競馬場や甲山で有名な宝塚郊外の小さな町です。阪急今津線の仁川駅のすぐ隣、仁川の近くに、SÖT Coffee Roaster の 2店目新しくオープンした支店 は、「SÖT Coffee Roaster NIGAWA」です。

仁川駅西口を出て徒歩で40mほど真っすぐに行って、右手にカフェがあります。カフェはベーカリー / パティスリーの上の 2 階にあり、白と紺色のファサードと赤 / オレンジ色の瓦が特徴的な独立した建物で、すぐ見つけます。入り口はパン屋さんの右側にあり、おしゃれなエントランス・廊下になっています。


キッチンと注文カウンターはカフェの真ん中の方にあり、座席エリアは窓側にあります。 2 人掛けのテーブル席が 七つで一つの長い快適なソファで繋がっています。さらに6 人までの大きなテーブルとカウンター席四つがあります。キッチンカウンターは真鍮のカウンターで、腰壁全体に縦の板で覆われてスタイリッシュです。インテリアは、テーブルの縁、キッチン天井の縁と窓サッシは水色で仕上げでまとめられています。テーブルの端っこ、キッチンの天井、空間などの端っこは丸くて、柔らかい雰囲気が演じます。




SÖT Coffee Roaster NIGAWAは駅のすぐ隣で便利な場所、とてもフレンドリーなスタッフがいるスタイリッシュでおすすめなカフェです。

営業時間:水~日 08:00 - 19:00 (ラストオーダー 18:00)


Contact Information

兵庫県宝塚市仁川北3-7-5-2 F
Social Information
Business Hours
09:00 - 19:00


兵庫県宝塚市仁川北3-7-5-2 F
Nearest Station
Hankyu Imazu Line - Nigawa Station


Business Hour
Closed Now

  • Monday
    09:00 am - 07:00 pm
  • Tuesday
    09:00 am - 07:00 pm
  • Wednesday
    09:00 am - 07:00 pm
  • Thursday
    09:00 am - 07:00 pm
  • Friday
    09:00 am - 07:00 pm
  • Saturday
    09:00 am - 07:00 pm
  • Sunday
    09:00 am - 07:00 pm

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