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Located in the Fushimi ward in Kyoto, on a five minute walk from either Chushojima station or Fushimi-Momoyama Station is the stylish cafe "Rudie". Rudie opened on 29 April 2023 and is a coffee-stand and roaster run by a friendly young lady. The name 'Rudie' and its logo draw inspiration from a custom Harley bike named 'Rudie,' proudly owned by the manager. The café sits along the Ryouma Shopping street which is a famous for tourists on the ground floor of a renovated building and stands out with its stylish modern grey exterior that features large glass windows giving an uninterrupted look into the café.

Inside you will find a stylish interior with the kitchen/order counter on the left and a long bench with metal side tables on the right. The metal side tables are attached to a rail, making it possible to slide them back and forth along the bench. The kitchen counter is a sleek, rounded-edge mortar counter with a glass display case in the middle. There are also two counter chairs placed alongside it, allowing customers to sit and have a chat with the staff. The pièce de résistance, however, is the stylish Bang & Olufsen Beosound Shape wall-mounted wireless speaker system in the back of the cafe.

The menu is straightforward but has both coffee and nocaffeine options. Coffee includes espresso, americano, cafe latte (550 yen~ ) and espresso tonic which are available in original blend, light roast or medium roast. No caffeine drinks consists of Red espresso latte, Red espresso tonic, Red espresso juice and plain orange juice or apple juice, with the red espresso drinks consisting of rooibos tea. There is also lemonade soda, espresso lemonade soda as well as affogato that contains homemade granola.

Rudie is a stylish cafe run by a friendly owner and is conveniently located making it a must visit when strolling around the Fushimi area.


店内には、左側にキッチン/オーダーカウンターがあり、右側に長いベンチとメタルサイドテーブルがあるスタイリッシュなモダンスタイルのインテリアがあります。メタルサイドテーブルはベンチに沿って前後にスライドできるレールに取り付けられています。キッチンカウンターは滑らかの丸みモルタルカウンターで、真ん中にガラスのディスプレイケース設置されています。カウンターチェアも2つ置かれており、お客様は座ってスタッフとおしゃべりすることができます。最も目を引くのは、カフェの奥にあるスタイリッシュなBang & Olufsen Beosound Shape壁掛けワイヤレススピーカーシステムです。






Contact Information

239-1 Shioyamachi, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-8046
Social Information
Business Hours
11:00 - 17:00
Closed on
Closed: Tuesday, Wednesday


Nearest Station
Keihan Line - Chushojima Station