Cafe Ladle
- 072-631-8787
- 大阪府茨木市春日1-1-24
- 10:00 - 20:00, SAT&SUN 10:00 - 18:00
- Closed: Wednesday
Opened in November of 2015, this lovely hidden gem is café & art space called 'Good Time Coffee Shimabara' and is located on a 12 minute walk from either JR San-In Line's Umekoji Kyotonishi or Tambaguchi station. However if the weather is good and you don't mind walking, you can even go on foot from either Kyoto Station or Karasuma Line's Gojo station which takes between 15 to 20 minutes.
Good Time Coffee is one of two branches, the second branch is located in Higashiyama called 'Good Time Coffee Higashiyama'.
The Shimabara branch is located in a renovated kyomachiya that is over a 100 years old. The kyomachiya was originally a house, then a shop and has also been used as an assembly hall until it became an akiya (空き家 meaning “empty house” in Japanese) which was then taken over and turned into the lovely café it is today. The renovation, logo and product design of Good Time Coffee was done by Takuma Design
The order counter is in the front of the café on the outside under the canopy. Here you can order your drink or food, pay and then you will can through a sliding door inside and wait for your order (if you decide to eat in). Inside you will have a standing/counter-seat area on the left (this used to be the garage before the renovation), and in the back a raised area with tables and seats. The raised area has a lovely view over the inner garden in the back of the café. The inner garden is accessible through the small corridor on the right that still has the remnants of the kitchen with its lovely tilework.
The inner garden used to be partially garden as well as the toilet and shower space but has now made place for a mixture of art, homegrown herbs and some vintage goods displaced in the shower/toilet space. The garden is shared with itonowa, the building in the rear. Actually, good time coffee and itonowa are both owned by the same company who decided to remove the wall in the inner garden (which you can still see) that separates the two buildings and make it accessible both ways. Itonowa's building includes a rental space, a gallery and a few small shops. The peaceful inner garden is a great place to enjoy your food or drink when the weather is good.
グッドタイムコーヒーは、築100年以上の改装された京町屋にあります。 京町屋はもともと家だったんですが、それからお店で最後は空き家になった。その後引き継がれて素敵なカフェになりました。カフェのリノベーション、ロゴとプロダクトデザインは「タクマデザイン」が担当してました。
注文カウンターは外で庇の下になります。ここで飲み物や食べ物を注文して、払って、もしイートインするならガラスの引き戸通して店内でオーダーを待つことになります。 店内には左側にスタンディングまたはカウンター席エリア(以前家のガレージでした)があり、後ろには子上がりの上にテーブルと椅子のお客席もあります。 テーブル席のエリアの窓から裏側にある素敵な中庭を眺めることができます。 中庭には、入口から右側の狭い通路でアクセスができます。通路は元々台所だった、また素敵なタイルが残っています。