Chidori Bunka

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Chidori Bunka



Near the port area of Osaka in the Suminoe ward and on a 5 min walk from Yotsubashi Line’s Kitakagaya Station is Chidori Bunka, a trendy community space that combines cafes, art gallery, offices and a shop. Chidori Bunka used to be a residential building where a 90 year old woman lived. After she passed away in 2014 the complex was renovated by dot architects and opened in 2017 as Chidori Bunka.

The building can be instantly recognized due to it’s peculiar large glass façade entrance foyer that is placed inside a showa era style exterior. The glass foyer which was created as such that it would make the building more inviting for people. Entering inside you will find the Chidori Bunka café on your left consisting of two separate café areas with a slightly different atmosphere. On top of that there are also tables and stools in the foyer next to the stove that can be used.

To the right of the foyer are stairs that lead up to the walkway that crosses the foyer and leads in to the art space that still features remnants of the old dilapidated rooms of the former house. The artspace is free to enter to anyone.

The cafe has a daily lunch menu but also serves standard items like Dutch pancakes, popovers and various sweets. Since Chidori Bunka encompasses the entire complex and all its shops you can also order sandwiches from the shop next door called 'Sunny Mountain Boys'. So plenty of delicious items to choose from meaning you will have to visit Chidori Bunka a few times to try everything.

Chidori Bunka is a lovely community space with friendly staff where you can eat delicious lunch or sweets in a peculiar building and is highly recommended.

大阪港エリアの住之江区、四ツ橋線の北加賀屋駅から徒歩で5分に素敵なカフェ「千鳥文化」『チドリブンカ』があります。千鳥文化はカフェ、アートスペース、オフィスとショップで構成されているコミュニティスペースです。建物には昔90歳の女の人が住んでいて、2014年に購入されて、dot architects でリノベーションされて、2017に千鳥文化としてオープンした。



メニューには日替わりで、定番のアイテム「ダッチパンケーキ」、「ポップオーバー」と様々なスイーツもあります。千鳥文化は全体の建物に入ってるお店になっているからカフェで隣にある「Sunny Mountain Boys」のサンドイッチもオーダーすることが出来ます。豊富なメニューなので、何回も訪れないとだめなカフェです。





Contact Information

5 Chome-2-28 Kitakagaya, Suminoe Ward, Osaka, 559-0011
Business Hours
11:30 - 18:00
Closed on
Closed: Tuesday, Wednesday


Nearest Station
Yotsubashi Line - Kita-Kagaya Station