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On a short walking distance from Keihan Line's Kiyomizu-Gojo Station is a new stylish cafe/restaurant called '2éme MAISON'. 2éme MAISON opened its doors in July 2022 and means deuxieme (second) in French which refers to the café being the second branch of 1er etage, a dry flower café located near Kawaramachi station. From Kiyomizu-Gojo station, take exit #3, cross the bridge over the Kamo river and you will find it on the right side, on the ground floor of Kyoeidaiichi bld next to a small park. The café has two entrances, one at the front and one at the side of the park.

The store is spacious with a floorspace of over 50m2 and combines a flowershop, antique shop and cafe/restaurant in one.  The interior has a retro style with lots of antique furniture and items spread throughout the café. Entering from the front entrance you will find the flower and antique shop on the left side and the seating area on the right. The seating area consists of various tables for two or more persons and in the back next to the kitchen are also counter seats.

There is a lunch and dinner menu with the lunch menu consisting of "a blt, croque monsieur, hamburger sandwich, green curry, cob salad, fried potatoes or jalapeno fries". For drinks there is coffee, tea, lemon squash, mix juice and soft drinks. There is also a variety of alcoholic drinks. You can order a set lunch with drink which will cost 300 yen extra. Their lunch is absolutely amazing, the food looks great and tastes delicious, well worth the money.

2éme MAISON is a lovely café with a nice ambience and great food that will definitely become very popular, and lunch here is absolutely recommended.

京阪線の清水五条駅の近くい新しいおしゃれなカフェ・レストラン「2éme MAISON」『ドゥジューム・メゾン』が出来ました。2022年の7月にオープンしましたが、2éme MAISONの名前はフランス語で「ドゥジューム - 2番目」という意味で河原町駅の近くにある1er Etageカフェの2号店という意味のカフェです。清水五条駅から3番出口を出て、橋で鴨川を渡って、お店は右側に小さな公園の隣の京栄第一ビルの1階にある。お店の前と右側に入口が二つあります。



2éme MAISONはインテリアと雰囲気が素敵でご飯もめちゃくちゃ美味しくて、とてもおすすめなカフェです。


Contact Information

〒600-8029 Kyoto, Shimogyo Ward, Nishihashizumecho, 794
Social Information
Business Hours
12:00 - 23:00


〒600-8029 Kyoto, Shimogyo Ward, Nishihashizumecho, 794
Nearest Station
Keihan Line - Kiyomizu-Gojo Station


Business Hour
Open Now

  • Monday
    12:00 pm - 11:00 pm
  • Tuesday
    12:00 pm - 11:00 pm
  • Wednesday
    12:00 pm - 11:00 pm
  • Thursday
    12:00 pm - 11:00 pm
  • Friday
    12:00 pm - 11:00 pm
  • Saturday
    12:00 pm - 11:00 pm
  • Sunday
    12:00 pm - 11:00 pm

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