Wheelchair friendly cafes in Kyoto

Last updated: 2022/10/05

Our list of wheelchair friendly cafes in Osaka can be found here.

Visiting Japan can be daunting, especially if you don’t speak the language and even more if you are in a wheelchair. Japan is improving its accessibility for disabled people in the last couple of years although it could still be improved.

Below we have compiled a list of cafes that should be wheelchair friendly based on the following  

  1. Access to the café
  2. Size of the entrance
  3. Space inside the café to move around

The list focuses mainly on accessibility by wheelchair and moving space inside the cafe. Unfortunately we have not taken toilet access into account and will do so in the future. 

We’ll be keeping this list up to date with opening hours and making sure all entries have indeed wheelchair access but just in case we’d recommend checking the cafe’s official website before you visit in case of any changes.

Please let us know if you think a café should be on this list. 

Kitaoji Roastery Lab

School Bus Coffee Bakers

Pizzeria Del Popolo

Okaffe Roasting Park

Walden Woods


Knot cafe

Coffee Roastery Tabinone


Good Time Coffee

Loose Kyoto

Sakimoto Bakery

Go Go Coffee

Goodman Roaster Coffee

Stumptown Coffee Roasters

KeFu stay & lounge

Koe Donuts

Blue Bottle Coffee Kiyamachi

Here cafe, Karasuma-Oike

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