Stumptown Coffee Roasters
- Karasuma Line - Karasuma Oike Station
Last updated: 2023/03/15
Stumptown Coffee Roasters sits inside the Ace Hotel next to Karasuma-Oike station. There are a few seats inside the cafe itself but the majority of the seats are located in the foyer of the Ace hotel and are equipped with electrical sockets.
Stumptown Coffee Roastersは烏丸御池駅の上にあるエースホテルの中に位置しているカフェです。カフェの中に勉強・仕事が出来る席ありますけど、エースホテルの玄関にコンセントが搭載されている机があります。
Len Kawaramachi sits on a short walk from Kawaramachi station and provides a few seats for people trying to get some work done. Electrical sockets can be found under the counter.
Len Kawaramachi は河原町駅の近くにありカフェとホステルです。勉強できる席とカウンターの下にコンセントもあります。
Tsumugi Cafe offers two tables with electrical outlets and wifi.
Tsumugi Cafeでは、カフェの中の横にコンセントついているテーブルが二つあり、WIFIも提供されています。
Koe Donuts offers a large seating area with most of the tables and counter seats equipped with usb and electrical sockets for your devices.
Koe Donutsではほぼすべてのテーブルとカウンター席にはUSBやコンセントが搭載されています。
Blue Bottle Coffee Kyoto offers Wifi and a place to work although without electrical sockets it might be mostly convenient for reading or studying.
Not weekenders necessarily but related is Garden Lab, a co-working space right behind the cafe that is part of Momiji-no-Komichi. The co-working space can be used for a certain fee. Check out their website for more information.