- 2 Chome-1-1 Sakaemachidori, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0023
- 10:00 - 18:00
- Closed: Tuesday, Wednesday
Benvenuti a 'Pizzeria Del Popolo', a stylish new Napolitan pizza place in West Kyoto that opened it's doors in September 2022. It's located on the ground floor on the corner of Nishioji-dori Street on a 5 minute walk from Hankyu Kyoto Line's Saiin Station. The owner is a young Japanese guy who went to Napoli for two years to study the art of pizza making, came back and decided to start his own pizzeria. The name comes from the pizzeria in Napoli where the owner learned to make pizza, making it a Japanese sister branch.
The pizzeria has a white stucco exterior with wooden sliding doors that are completely opened when the weather allows it. With the doors completely open you will see the curved blue counter wall with vertical wooden slats and a stylish pizza oven. The pizza oven was imported from Italy, custom made by MV Napoli Forni and is a beautiful dome shaped oven decorated with gold tiles. Here is an interesting video that shows the arrival and placement of the pizza dome. There are around 16 seats consisting of table, wall counter and kitchen counter seats.
The menu consists of 3 types of pizzas: Rossa (tomato base), Bianco (cheese base) and Filetto (Fresh Mini Tomato base) with each type a dozen of different pizza styles, so plenty of choices for anyone. They also have seasonal pizza, e.g. pistacchio and sausage flavor, which we tried and tastes absolutely fan-tas-tic! The pizza arrived about 5 minutes after we ordered. Quick and delicious! Besides baking delicious pizzas, the owner speaks fluent Italian as well.
*Be warned that each customer has to order one pizza and they are quite big so make sure you dont eat in advance. However with that said, you can take out the left-overs.
Pizzeria Del Popolo is a stylish Napolitan pizzeria in Kyoto with friendly staff that sells absolutely magnificent pizzas, dare we say, the best in Kyoto! We heavily recommend visiting.
Benvenuti a 'Pizzeria Del Popolo' 「ベンヴェヌーティ・ア・ピッツェリア デル ポポロ」、2021年の9月にオープンした、西京都にあるスタイリッシュなナポリタンピザ屋さん。お店は阪急京都線の西院駅から徒歩で5分に、西大路通りの角の1階に位置しています。オーナーは若くて、イタリアのナポリで2年間ピザを作るを勉強して、日本に戻ってから自分のお店をオープンしました。店名はオーナーがナポリでピザの勉強したピザ屋さんの名前です。日本の「姉妹店」です。
お店の外観は真っ白の漆喰と大きなウッドの引き戸になっています。良い天気の日に全開になって、店内に気持ちい雰囲気になります。外から見て、店内はおしゃれな青い腰壁が縦の板に飾れている丸いカウンターとピザの窯が見えます。ピザ窯はイタリアから輸入された「MV Napoli Forni」でオーダーメイドです。窯はゴールドタイルで覆われて、とてもスタイリッシュな窯です。窯がお店に設置されたときのビデオはこちらで是非見て下さい。店内にはお客席はテーブル席、壁のカウンター席とキッチンカウンター席で構成されて、およそ16席があります。
Pizzeria Del Popoloは京都にあるスタイリッシュで、恐らく京都の一番美味しいナポリタンピザ屋さんです。非常におすすめなお店です。