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If you love sweets like I do, a must-visit confectionary in Kyoto is 'Paddy' that sits on a short walk from San-In Line - Nijo Station or Tozai Line - Nijojo-Mae Station, to the North of Nijo Castle in a quiet neighborhood tucked away at the end of a narrow alley. Paddy opened its doors in April of 2024 and is run by a friendly young woman who named the cafe after one of the kanji characters (田) in her name, which means "rice paddy." Paddy is both a confectionary and a cafe where customers can either take out or enjoy sweets with coffee inside.

The shop is located at the end of a narrow alley on the left and can be easily identified by its chalk-white exterior. As you approach, the aroma of freshly baked sweets will greet you. Large glass sliding doors offer a clear view of the interior, and upon entering, you'll immediately see the delicious sweets neatly presented in the glass case. The shop offers a wide variety of treats, including canelés, florentines, financiers, scones, madeleines, and many other cookies and sweets. On the counter, there's a small tin with slightly imperfect baked goods sold at a discount to help reduce food waste.

The shop has been renovated but still retains elements of the previous building, such as the wood framework and the sand walls at the back. Don't miss the charming details, like the cookie cutter shapes embedded in the concrete floor. The shop features a seating area in the back with retro furniture, including three tables and chairs, creating a cozy atmosphere. The drink menu offers coffee (americano, cafe latte (600 yen), ice coffee), juice (orange, apple, spice lemon), various teas and even alcohol.

Paddy is a lovely little confectionary cafe run by a friendly lady that offers a large variety of delicious freshly baked sweets as well as seating inside for a nice coffee break, heavily recommended.

私と同じようにスイーツが好きなら、京都にある素敵な焼き菓子屋さん「Paddy パディ」は絶対におすすめです。山陰線二条駅または東西線二条城前駅から徒歩で10分ぐらいのところに、二条城の北側にある閑静な住宅街の小道の奥に隠れています。2024年4月にオープンし、フレンドリーな若い女性のオーナーによって営まれていて、店名の由来はオーナーの名前に「田」という漢字が入っており、英語で「Paddy」という意味です。Paddyは焼き菓子屋さん兼カフェで、お客様は店内でもスイーツを楽しむことができます。

お店は小道の奥の左側にあり、真っ白な外観ですぐに見つけられます。お店に近づくと、焼き立てのスイーツの良い香りが漂ってきます。入口の大きなガラス引き戸を通して、目の前にガラスケースに丁寧に陳列されているスイーツが見えます。スイーツは「カヌレ、フロランタン、フィナンシェ、スコーン、マドレーヌ、様々なクッキーなど」、幅広い種類が提供されています。さらに、カウンターの上には、少し形の崩れたものや、ケーキの端の部分など、正規品としては販売できないが味に何ら遜色のないお菓子が入ったボックスがあり、全て200円ぐらいで販売されています。 お客様にとってはお手頃価格で購入することができ、お店にとってもフードロスの削減にも繋がっています。




Contact Information

〒602-8134 Kyoto, Kamigyo Ward, Itchome, 847
Social Information
Business Hours
13:00 - 19:00
Closed on
Closed: Monday, Tuesday


〒602-8134 Kyoto, Kamigyo Ward, Itchome, 847
Nearest Station
Tozai Line - Nijojo-Mae Station