Sone is a small town in the center of Toyonaka area Osaka and on a short distance from Itami airport. Located on a six minute walk from Sone station is a new café called ‘Naka coffee’. It sits on the ground floor of a small office building and has a simple exterior with white vertical tiles and large glass façade with COFFEE in big black letters hanging above the entrance. It opened in August 2022 and is run by a friendly husband and wife. The café opens early morning at 07 am with the husband starting his shift. At 09 am the wife switches with the husband while he goes to his fulltime job as a bicycle repairman.
Inside you’ll find a lovely interior that was completely renovated by the husband himself. Upon entering the café it's the counter wall of the kitchen/checkout register that immediately draws the eyes with its beautiful dark turquoise and teal blue arrow shaped tiles. The countertop, the sweets display case and the furniture are all made of hardwood which gives the café a cozy atmosphere.
Naka Coffee's menu consist only of coffee, however there is a decaf option available. The menu consists of:
- Coffee hot/ice
- Cafe Latte hot/ice (500 yen)
- Espresso Tonic
- Espresso Frozen
After choosing your coffee you can choose one of the many available blends. Besides coffee there are also a variety of sweets for sale from
Yakigashiya Lucca.
Naka Coffee is a lovely café with friendly staff that is conveniently located between Sone station and Hattori Ryokuchi park. It opens early in the morning so an ideal place for early birds.
曽根は大阪の豊中エリアの中心に、伊丹空港のも近くにある小さな町です。曽根駅から徒歩で6分ぐらいに新しいカフェ「ナカコーヒー」があります。小さなオフィスビルの 1 階に、白いタイルと大きなガラスのファサードでシンプルな外観で、入り口の上に大きな黒い文字で 「COFFEE 」が壁にかかっています。 2022年8月にオープンして、優しいご夫婦で営まれています。カフェは、朝早く7時から営業が始まりますので、朝型の人にとてもおすすめ。
店内は夫に全部自分でフルリノベーションされて、素敵なインテリアになっています。カフェに入るとすぐに目を引くのは、美しいダーク ターコイズとティール ブルーの矢の形をしたタイル張りの腰壁です。カウンター天板、お菓子のショーケース、家具などのすべて無垢材でカフェに居心地の良い雰囲気になっています。
- コーヒー ホット/アイス
- カフェラテ ホット/アイス(500円)
- エスプレッソトニック
- エスプレッソ冷凍